Photo by PeaceLoveSun |
A quick message to say I am alive and I'm swell but I still can't sing as well as Adele :)
I bet there's one or two of you out there who had some sceptical thoughts about my little 'no internet' project but it turned out juuust fine.
I picked up Emma by Jane Austen - have always wanted to read that book for two reasons 1) the name Emma - it's my favourite name, 2) my friend once said I reminded so much of Emma. Or was it that Emma's love interest was well suited for me? I don't remember I'm afraid but I guess I'll find out.
I also started the planning of my online portfolio - if you didn't know I make designs and take photographs in my spare time and I'd love to work on a magazine.
Nothing major happened but that was exactly what I needed, a break from the busy life of the internet and some quiet and calm with a book and a cup of tea. That's time well spent to me. (on a roll with the rhyming today!)
I will definitely be banning internet for a few days again in the future, it's very freeing and I officially recommend it.
I will definitely be banning internet for a few days again in the future, it's very freeing and I officially recommend it.
Will be reading everyone's blogs tonight but first I have some tasty sushi to devour ;) Mhmm ♥
ps. I've lready got a post for tomorrow - have decided to write a small book review each time I've finished a book - outfit posts are on it's waaay - & happy Wednesday
This sounds lovely, especially the sushi! How delicious! It must be really nice to have a break from everything tooxx