6. marts 2013

Happy Spring ♥

I don't believe I've mentioned the arrival of Spring on the blog yet but if you follow me on instagram and twitter (both @nannaemma) you must have seen me greet Spring happily with a few fancy smiley's more than a few times.
So a 'blog-official' hello dear Spring! It feels much more official on the blog for some reason.

The sun's been out and bright for a lovely while now but I haven't really properly been out since the weekend because I've been ill and pathetic the last couple of days but I did manage to muster up some energy and self discipline and got my rotund behind outside this afternoon. I sat for a good two hours soaking in the sun and it actually made me feel better spiritually and physically. The sun's just good for everything isn't it?

Afterwards I went inside and took these cute snapshots of some Spring-ish bibs and bobs in my room. I don't think I fancy anything as much as I fancy a room filled with flowers and Spring really makes you want to spend a few extra pennies on flowers so my room's looking quite spiffy at the moment if I do say so myself.

Aren't you just loving all the flowers peeking up from the ground, the birds twittering and the sun shining through your window? :)

3 kommentarer:

  1. I thought Spring was here yesterday, it was nice and sunny, then today it was really cold again. So maybe not yet.

    1. Bet it'll be there sooner than you think! England did have a much later Winter than Denmark did..

  2. Cannot wait for spring, bring on the nice weather!xx


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