11. februar 2014

A guy's view on Valentine's Day

Borrowed from here

If you’re one of those ladies who's got a lucky man to share your Valentines Day with, but don't know what guys actually expect and think about the pink holiday, hop on over in my boat, because I've got no clue either.

Luckily my boyfriend agreed to answer a few questions for us all. He didn't have all that much to say, but a little insight is a lot better than no insight!

Here's the little Q&A; What Martin had to say about Valentines Day:

What is your thoughts on the whole day?
- I actually really like it. It's not something I go crazy about though. But I'd like to do something special on that day. I think it's great to make a big deal about something every once in a while. But you should celebrate on a few regular days as well.

So what would you like to do on Valentines Day?
- Maybe go out and have a meal on a restaurant. A good steak is always nice. Something like that.

What would be a good gift or surprise?
- A good gift would be a perfume, a gift card, clothes etc. I would love a personal surprise, something you would know I've been needing or wanting.

Do you expect more from your girlfriend than yourself?
- No. I don't expect anything from you. (Well thank you babe)

What have you experienced from your guy on Valentine? x

2 kommentarer:

  1. mine handmade me a card because he lost the one he'd actually gone out and bought me, and surprised me with chocolates the night before AND bought me a handbag I'd been lusting over - pretty spoiled this year! <3


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